Sunday, May 28, 2006

The Old College Try

D-O-N-E, no more pointless school for me! I'm done, hey hey, I'm done! S-O-M-E, some can gain from a degree, not me, uh uh, not me!

I've given new meaning to the old college try. I have actually finished school after 10 years (on and off). I just turned in my last assignment. Of course I won't get the actual "piece of paper" for a month or so. My mom wants to send out graduation announcements that mention how I went to 5 schools and how it has been 10 years. She wanted to make sure it was okay with me first. I said I didn't mind, but that she could always put the truth: that part way through, Camille realized that society's supposed "requirement" for getting a college degree was rediculous and unneeded as she was intelligent enough to be successful without it...she did however decide to get the piece of paper, despite her principles, so that her parents would stop hounding her and to at least do them the courtesy of making the sinking of all that money worth something.

But that would be a bit much for people to understand. And that's okay. I'll just send it out into cyberspace as a last ditch effort to maintain the inegrity of my principles. Oh well, perhaps I can gain...maybe I'll get a raise out of it.


evolver said...

Well congratulations on your achievement, regardless of why you did it! :-)

mscamille said...

Hehe, I was a little harsh...perhaps a little bitter that I didn't finish off the thing years ago. Thanks for the congrats! :)