Saturday, July 1, 2006


I am excited to see Superman Returns. And in preparation for it, we've been watching all the old Superman movies. The first two movies were fine...a little late 70's, early 80's looking, but hey, what are you gonna do? The third movie was another story entirely. I was actually in pain while watching it. It was excruciatingly bad. First of all, most of the movie wasn't even about Superman. It was about Richard Pryor and some lame bad guys. It was such a horrible movie. It was so hokey. Though, I did come to realize that Office Space totally took its premise from this movie (the diverting of extra less-than-a-penny amounts into an account thing). We haven't watched the fourth movie yet, but I guess we will because I actually remember it and would like to see it again. As for the third, I remembered like one scene. Now I know why.

I'm really looking forward to the new one because it looks awesome and Brandon Routh looks awesome.

As an aside...I just saw a woman crying over Brazil's World Cup elimination on TV...goodness gracious people take that game seriously.


evolver said...

The fourth movie was terrible - "Nuclear Man." Felt like Superman vs. an old Godzilla villain.

Anonymous said...

If you can, try and rent the director's cut of Superman 2. One and Two were filmed almost back to back and 3/4ths the way through, Richard Donner, the director was fired.

*spoiler alert!*

It explains the Lois family thing and why Superman's supersperm didn't blow out her backside.

And yes, it did rock!
