Monday, November 27, 2006

Turkey and Spam

Happy Belated Thanksgiving to anyone reading this who cares about the American version of this holiday. I spent time doing a lot of nothing at my parents' house with family. We saw the movie:

Deja Vu, which was very cool. Though, it wasn't really about deja vu per se. (Am I allowed to put that many foreign words in a sentence?) Anyway, I deemed it good. Nothing mind-blowing, but a nice and satisfying, fun movie.

When I came into work this morning, I noticed that the email spammers have gotten more clever. Instead of just strange combinations of words in the subject line (though there was one: incredulity presidency), there are now sentences and portions of literature:

One subject line: There are some small things you need to pay attention to when creating this: namely you have to follow the Google xml schema, and you have to be diligent about tracking and fixing errors in the code.

Another subject line: With the Surprise badly damaged and much of his crew injured, Aubrey is torn between duty and friendship as he pursues a high-stakes chase across two oceans, to intercept and capture his foe.

Then in the text of the email, surrounding some stock quote information is a whole bunch of text from a conglomeration of other stories (two of which being a couple of lines of what may be the screenplay for The Matrix and one of the Lord of the Rings books).

I really look forward to these emails, to break up the day I suppose.


evolver said...

A very, very belated Happy Thanksgiving! In the US, it is on a Thursday, right? Does everyone have the Friday off, too?

Lane said...

Depends on where you work E. I'm self-employed so I do, as do many who work for the goverment. Most others do not in my experience.

mscamille said...

Yup, Thursday and Friday off...nice long weekend :) I always assumed that was typical since everywhere I've worked (one government, the rest not) its been that way.