Sunday, June 8, 2008

Green is for Gimmick

So, I may not be a popular person for saying this, but I have to say it. I'm over the whole "green" movement. While I agree with taking action to preserve the environment and limit waste, etc. and do my part to some degree, I find the commercial and fad-like turn the movement has taken to be annoying. Everyone has "green patrols" and "green initiatives" and green this and green that. I mean, recycling, electric cars, solar power...these things have been around for years. But, for some reason the green thing only took off within the last couple. I wonder if there was one thing that triggered this or if it was several things, or if we are just evolving as a country and society. Well, regardless, we still managed to turn it into an advertising campaign/gimmick/money-making thing.

The good thing is that at least more people are taking action now. Though, there's so much out there that its confusing. Personally, I don't know what's true and what's not, what's safe and what's not. We've bought those new light bulbs that use a lot less energy and supposedly last forever. They shed the weirdest yellow light, but I'm over the name of the environment. But, they have mercury in them or something so they are dangerous if they break and you're not supposed to touch the debris. Then again, I read that that's ridiculous and you should be careful and just not run your fingers through it and then lick them. If I'm having trouble sorting through all the green crap, I can imagine what most of the country is thinking...well, at least I know there will be some more interesting and helpful car options in the next few years. According to this article, the electric revolution is on the horizon and then some. Compressed air powered cars...who knew? Hybrids are great for now, but I think we could do a lot better. Can't wait to much they cost...

1 comment:

Jennefer said...

I try to live the green lifestyle, but I also find the green gimmick stuff annoying. I think we need to lower our consumption, not purchase a bunch of expensive stupid green garbage (i.e. Walmart's t-shirts that say GREEN IS COOL).