Thursday, October 4, 2007

Hoes and Toes

So, there was this nappy-headed ho driving along...

Just kidding. I'm not Don Imus. And the woman wasn't even African American. And how do you spell that ho anyway? Ho or still hoe? Anyway, my mom and I totally witnessed a guy and his bike pretty much get run over by a car yesterday. The woman driving didn't seem to see him as she made her left turn. And he didn't seem to realize she was going so he proceeded to cross in front of her kind of. Once the car made contact with him, you could tell he was trying to stop, but couldn't because the car was kind of taking him along with it. He eventually fell to the ground with the bike and I swear the car totally ran over his legs. My mom said she just ran over the bike, but it really looked to me like he was run over himself. Well, she stopped in the middle of the road, got out and went over to him. He had gotten up almost immediately and took his bike to the sidewalk. His legs seemed fine. I didn't even really detect a limp. Is it possible that getting your legs run over by a car might not fracture or break them?? If not, I guess it was just his bike that got ran over. We were the first car in line to turn right at the spot where she was turning left, so we saw it up close. As we went to make the turn, I rolled down the window and asked if they needed help. I don't think he understood what I said as he might not have understood English well. The woman talking to him in Spanish stopped and said he was okay. Normally, I might not have just taken her word for it, but the guy was standing over the front wheel of his bike and moving the handle bars as if he were trying to bend the bike back into shape. I guess if he had been hurt, he wouldn't be worried so much about the bike. So, we moved on. But, it was crazy.

Now, onto toes. I totally had an ingrown toenail. I know, gross, right? It was sooooo painful. I couldn't dance at my company party last weekend :( Well, I say "had" because I just had the ingrown part removed. Ew, it was bigger than I thought it would be and I can't believe it was all under the skin. Well, there's not much else to tell, but I can't get my toe wet until Saturday, so I'm not sure if I should attempt to take a shower without getting it wet, or bum it out tomorrow and work from home without showering. Wonderful options.


Ph said...

OMG, between you and Karen seeing people get hit by cars...

As for the ingrown toe, I had one when I broke my toe, it was nasty and the doctor had to shave part of my toenail down to the cuticle so it would never grow back. So now I have one toenail that is thinner than the other. So u-day nasty. The long and short of it, I feel ya.

mscamille said...

LOL yeah, too bad this guy didn't roll down the street like the woman Karen saw. For my toe, he actually put this chemical on the root to "burn" it so the nail won't grow back there. At least I have the rest of the nail. In my ingrown toenail naivete, I was worried they might have to remove all of it or something.

Ph said...

did you go to Dr. Footer? That was the name of my foot doctor, I kid you not.

mscamille said...

LOL I wonder if that had any influence on his career choice...this guy was Serlo. Closest thing to that is Serta...I guess mattress salesman wasn't in the stars for him.