Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Vile Viral Video

Okay, so you know how my profile over to the right says I like to jump on the various bandwagons of society and life. Well, I fully did just that tonight. And I wish I hadn't. While watching an episode of Best Week Ever, they alluded to some disgusting video circulating the Internet and how videos of the reactions to the video were getting more circulation than the video itself. Now, we're super behind on what's going on in the world and I have steered clear of youtube for the most part partly because I don't have time to get caught up in videos. Anyway, of course, Ted and I immediately go to the computer to see if we can find it on youtube. Not difficult to find, of course. We watched a few reactions, which are indeed funny. But, why? Why is it funny to watch other people almost throw up? I just have to say that the actual video is truly the most disgusting thing I've ever seen and I didn't even watch the whole thing. I couldn't. I had to leave the room and even put my hands over my ears and yelled lalalalala until it was over so I wouldn't have to hear the music in the video reminding me of what was going on (there were no sound effects, just music). I honestly didn't know how I would react, but I didn't think it would be all that bad. In general I have an okay stomach strength, if you will. But, this...was unspeakable. And the phenomenon of how this video and the reactions spread across America, and even the world, is evidence of the true sickness of pop culture. I am ashamed to call myself apart of it. But, I guess it makes life fun. For the few people who may be reading this, I am not going to link to the video. If you are dying to be grossed out beyond anything you have ever in your life experienced (at least probably 95% of people are), I'm sure you could find it. And that's all I have to say on the matter.

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