Monday, May 5, 2008

Can it be I stayed away too long?

A little Jackson 5 for ya there. I gotta get back in there with the musical titles...

So, several things have happened lately that are interesting, to me at least. The first is my bonafide good samaritan moment. Well, really my husband and I. We were at the library so I could check it out for my ESL tutoring (I'll get to that next). When I came back to the car, an SUV next to us was pulling out and leaving. There was a stroller on the sidewalk in front of the space. Ted seemed kind of dumbfounded and said "I think they just left their stroller". So, I was like...let's follow them so we can tell them! Of course, they were almost out of the library parking lot by this time so we had to hope that we would catch up. By the time we got to the main road, I saw the SUV disappear to the right onto the main, main street. We somehow saw it turning left after that and kept following (what we thought was the right car). After another minute or two, luckily they turned into a townhouse complex. Otherwise, I don't know how much longer we were going to follow them (certainly not onto the freeway, especially if it was the wrong direction from our house). We drove around the complex until we saw the car parked. The woman was still in the car seemingly deep in thought. I knocked on the window and told her about the stroller and how we totally followed her all the way from the library. She was very grateful and said something to the effect of "See, that's how much is on my mind!". I'm glad we were able to help...she obviously had other issues to deal with other than trying to figure out where her stroller is and possibly having to buy a new one (those things ain't cheap). It was a little adventure. Yes, that's sad that that's the type of adventures I have these days.

So, on to the ESL tutoring. I've become a tutor for a local Literacy Council chapter. I went to two all day Saturday trainings and have been assigned two South Korean students (adults). Our first session was a little awkward because I've never done this before and we had to be sorta out there in the library because the private tutor rooms were booked. We actually went down to the children's section where it was a little quieter surprisingly. Except for the little girls at the next mini-table smiling in our direction (probably because they knew we were doing something strange--me reciting some simple words/sentences and the students speaking back), there was no problem. I didn't have much time to prepare for that first lesson, so I looked forward to having a whole week the next time. Today went soooooo much better. I've booked tutor rooms for all our lessons so it was a lot easier. We had a good time. The time went by so far (just an hour). We spent the last 5 minutes with one of the students trying to say something to me that I just could not understand. Typically I have no problem with understanding them (they can communicate well enough to function). Ultimately, I finally figured out that she was basically trying to say time flies when you're having fun and we all laughed :) We meet twice a week, so I'll have to really prepare for this coming Thursday. It's a lot of work (for now), but I really enjoyed today and I hope I continue to enjoy it.

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